5 Ways You Can Make Money While You Look for a Job
When you are out of work and your unemployment benefits have ended, the money in your bank account may quickly disappear. Since you still need to eat, pay bills, fund transportation to get to interviews and pay for the internet and data that you use in order to apply for jobs, it is necessary to bring in some cash. While searching for a new job, it is a good idea to try to find some alternative ways to make money in your spare time. These five ideas are designed to inspire you and help you gain some extra cash during your job search.
Deliveries and Services
Food, grocery, and other forms of deliveries have become an extremely popular and great way to make some extra cash. Many companies are hiring temporary or seasonal drivers to help them with deliveries. You could drop off packages, deliver pizzas, or work for a food delivery service such as DoorDash or Postmates. In addition, you may also find work on online websites, such as Taskrabbit or Craigslist, where you could get hired to help someone with personal tasks such as running errands, assembling furniture, grocery shopping, and more. These are great options for those who are searching for an extra stream of cash while they are searching for a full-time job.
Write Resumes
If you are a great writer, you could make money by helping other people hone their resumes. You could also help people write cover letters to advance their careers.
Essay Editing and Tutoring
If you really like writing, consider branching out and tutoring students who may need extra assistance. A great way to do this could be helping high school students work on their college application essays, assist college students with papers or projects, and even help graduate students edit their research grant proposals and essays.
Sell Items
There are numerous ways to sell used and unused items online. Some platforms that serve as an easy way to upload and ultimately sell items are Depop, Poshmark, and eBay. On these platforms, you could sell anything from clothing, shoes, furniture, household items, jewelry, and more. This is an easy way to make some extra cash while dedicating only a couple hours to uploading your items and then waiting to see what sells.
Website Design
If you have website design skills and are interested in offering those services to others, consider reaching out to businesses that may benefit from your assistance. Show them how SEO works. Offer a sample of your work and tell them that you could update and optimize their site.
If any of these five money-making ideas appeal to you, be sure to check them out.
I love this. Wow. I need a job like that??
I need to earn money asap.
I need to earn money. I am hard working and can do most anything
How to earn it
What I do first
I am interested to writerr at home
Give me more detail how to work
Mahesh, you will definitely need to take the time to make certain you have a strong spell check tool as well as a grammar correction tool. Writing seems like an easy vocation, but it takes attention to detail and a solid command of the language in which you will be writing.
I wish you the very best in your pursuit.
I like the editing with high school students for College Applications! I’ve worked with young people before working in nutritional teaching, doing outreach programs all over the state of NJ! I also am a certified Massage Therapist! Architecture training and Drafting! I have a BS degree in food & Nutrition with concentration in Pediatric Dietetics! I’ve had a lot of work with young people and feel that this would be an excellent opportunity for both parties! Glad I found you! I am a 63 year old woman and am highly educated! I’m looking for part time work right now!
It’s looking good
I need a job bad maybe a deliver job maybe a seasonal driver dropping off packages I needs a part-time job with hours from 9:00- 2:00 because I have to get my grandson out of school and keep him. So if you could help me it would be very appreciated.
Hi Harriet,
Have you considered applying for part-time delivery work through companies like Door Dash and Postmates? They are similar to Uber or Lyft, allowing the driver to pick up jobs via the App and make their own hours.
Best luck!
Nicely done with the list. How about these “side” jobs, as well.
Dog Walker, Yard work (Outdoor maintenance), Pool Cleaner…
I have done them all in a pinch, even when holding a full time position!
Again, Great List!
How would I inquire certain jobs as u listed above any work would help.
What about jobs who are. Disabled?
Do envelope stuffers still exsist? If so how can I find one that is real?
I want to be able to work from home but most of this jobs require a payment for packages or inscription and I’m at 0 right now, I recently moved to Fitchburg Massachusetts and I had a job but was laid off on December and even going to Staffing agencies and thousands of applications filled It has been so hard for me to find a job
Sounds great! Thx 4 Da Tips
This is very helpful as I recently moved to Pollock Pines, Ca. from Hawaii, living with my Daughter, etc. and though I have a MBA (many years ago) I find it hard to locate a source of job opportunities. Suggestion?
Ron Sorrell
Hi Ron,
If you are looking for work, the internet can be a very valuable resource. Additionally, you can look for employment agencies that are designed to place people such as yourself in jobs that correspond with your experience and education level. They may have resources not available to the public, since some higher-up companies only utilize headhunting companies to fill their positions. If you’re looking for a side-job, getting part-time work in the meantime will still allow you to have a steady income while you search for another job. Try to find something with flexible hours that will still allow you to attend interviews. Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare services are a good way to make money by making your own hours. I hope you find this additional information helpful. Good luck!
My problem is I can get a job, BUT it has to be from around 11:30 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. because I have all day commitment otherwise.
I have applied for all kinds of jobs for almost a month and still nothing. I’m a single mom of 4 and it’s hard and stressful not working because no matter what the bills don’t stop and the landlord likes his money. I don’t know what to do. I’m trying to write a book and hopefully can get it published. Writing is my favorite thing to do. I would love to be able to find a publisher, but I’m not exactly sure how to go about getting a book published or what steps I need to follow. Can you help??